Dr. Joe's English Writing Classes FAQ

Dr. Joe中小学英语写作网课常见问题回答


首席教官Dr. Joe是美国Ph.D.in Communication (Speech and Mass Communication),多年在美国大学教授大学生讲演与写作。


我们独特有效的英语写作课从词汇、造句、段落构造、篇章设计,到写作风格与创意,到语法、英文传统习惯及新趋势(包括写作与引述格式),到文学及写作历史、名家介绍,到学生作文评讲,再到精品与经典作品赏析、模仿和借鉴, 涉及informative, persuasive, entertaining (narrative, persuasive, expository, descriptive) 等写作类型的系统练习,完美结合老师原创的写作与沟通教育理论。 我们的写作课是最有成效、最根本性地解决学生不知道怎么写好文章的问题,使得我们的学生经过系统完整的训练,成为高(整体写作水平高),宽(知识面宽),厚(文化素养功底厚),精(精于个性化的写作风格),快(在有限的时间内快速完成合格作文),准(根据要求写出有着激光制导炸弹般准确定位的好文)多能一体、妙笔生花的写作好手, 养成Critical Reading and Critical Writing的良好思维、阅读、写作习惯,并在Public SpeakingDebating等对于学习和工作至关重要的技能方面出类拔萃







4, 孩子有事情不能来上课,可以看录制的课堂视频,看PPT弥补所缺的课。


我们的目标是经过一年的训练,使得我们的学生比同龄人水平至少高出一年。我们会有长年的学生水平内部评估,来跟踪同学们的学习进步情况。同学们每年8月份会进行升级调班,升不升级主要根据学生在现有班级的学习进展,如果同学觉得现有级别容易,升级更受益, 就升入更高级别,如果现有级别比较难、有挑战性但经过努力可以跟得上,就继续在原班级。跟着我们长期学习的同学在申请大学和私高的时候将在英语写作阅读、面试以及与学校官员沟通方面表现出超出同龄人的优雅成熟和高超技巧,这也使得我们的学生在影响孩子一生成功与幸福的关键考试和申请过程中如鱼得水,游刃有余,从容应对,脱颖而出,而不是像其他孩子一样太费劲地临时抱佛脚,突击准备考试、短文和面试而且效果又难以令人满意。


首先,学习写作、阅读和讲演都是长期学习才能见到明显效果的事情,急于求成就会被诸如“量子波动速读之类的骗局割韭菜;还有,我们的课程都是为了同学们在真正提高水平的基础上也提高分数而设计的,所以我们的一线教学老师、服务人员和后台研发及支持队伍都要有长期和系统的计划和设计,因此除了那些短期提高班、强化班和备考班,我们的课程设计、老师和工作人员招聘培训、后勤服务、财务安排都要是围绕着年度计划来做的,如果您的孩子只报一两个月,我们还要为您的孩子注册作业账户,安排老师和服务人员跟进教学和支持服务,一个班上经常有孩子不定期撤出,我们的课堂秩序、教学计划就会被打乱,这对于踏踏实实长期跟班上课的同学们来说不公平,对于培养您自己孩子扎扎实实、不断坚持的工匠精神,历久弥坚、步步高升的学习能力,攻书不怕坚、攻城莫为难的成功者特质都是负面的影响,所以不管从孩子的成功和对于我们更好地服务于您孩子的成长来说,一次性缴费一年(或至少半年)后坚持长期学习都是有百利而无一害、立在当今且功在千秋的好事情,您说呢?至于您担心一下交一年的费用怕不安全,那就更大可不必,我们大舟国际教育在Dr. Joe及团队带领下已经在美国中小学英语写作阅读讲演等教育领域深耕二十年了,我们从不辜负同学、家长、员工和合作伙伴的信任,更不会滥用我们的信誉,太多的同学都是跟着我们上了五六年甚至八九年的课程,我们都成了一个彼此信任的大家庭。 

Parent:  My kid has English class at school. Why do they need after-school writing training? 

If they need after-school math training to be a strong math problem solver, they certainly need after-school writing class to be an outstanding writer. Swimming a few rounds in the school pool can’t replace the systematic swimming club training. Even if you have the English class at school, its intensity of teaching-learning is far from enough for the student to deal with university/college/high school application and the standardized tests like SAT and ACT.  

Parent:  My kid doesn't show much interest in writing. How can I make him to learn?

Most students don’t show interest in writing simply because they don’t have fun in it. In Dr. Joe’s writing classes, on the other hand, they enjoy the class exercises and interactive activities, like author guess, in-class quiz, sentence exercise, short paragraph exercise, and story scene discussion.  Each and every single student in a class is fully engaged in knowledge and skills charged learning process. In fact before they realize it, the class time is already up. Therefore our fellows don’t feel bored in the class. Instead, they can’t wait for the next meeting which comes in a week.   So the answer to this question is: “Entrust your kids to the professional hands.” 

Student: I want to study computer science in the future. Do I still need to train in writing class?

You certainly do!  I doubt you just want to work as a low-ranking code writer being bossed around by other people called managers who know how to write and talk well. Communication matters! 

Student: My brother is a high-schooler, and I'm in grade 5. Can't my brother teach me writing?

Yes and No. Yes, he can teach you to write some sentences and paragraphs whose strength and correctness he is not sure about.   No, if your elder brother also trains with the same piano teacher as you do, why don’t you simply ask your elder brother to teach you playing piano? The logic is the same and clear.   

Student: Why do I need to do so many in-class writing exercises and after-class writing assignments?

Do you know anything about drawing/painting classes? If so, writing and painting are not different in terms of training methodology. A lot of intensive in-class writing exercises are just like drawing/painting still life in a visual art class. The major writing homework is just the same as a big painting project.  They need practice and practice and practice to make perfection.    

Student: What is the best way to improve my writing skills on a stable basis? 

Stable improvement warrants stable exercises. Simple as that! You can’t expect your school teacher to help you achieve that because they are too few and too busy and they work too limited hours at school with you. In simple words, they don’t have enough time and attention for your, not to mention many of them have only so-so knowledge and expertise in writing education.  

Student: How do I connect reading to my writing?

Use the words, phrases, idioms, styles, ideas, plots, designs, and storylines you have learned from the reading materials to your essays, stories, and other writings. 

My second daughter, who will be in 7th grade in coming fall, is also interested in 7/8 grade class.  Is it too late for her to join for this session? When do you plan to start a new session?

Our age-specific classes go on a rolling basis, which means the students can join the class anytime and will never be late.  When they get older, they can move up to the higher level. However, if they don't feel comfortable, they can stay at the same level until they are ready for going up. 

After listening to the class yesterday, my older daughter (rising 9th grader) is definitely interested in the high school writing class but her question to Dr. Joe is that if students will have a chance to answer questions before they see Dr. Joe's notes on his slides.  Her thinking is that students (or at least her) can learn better when they are given the time to think and come up with their own answers (right or wrong). Thanks again.    

Yes, Dr. Joe will first assign the reading materials (which are also related to the writing topic) so the students get familiar with them and bring their own answers and question marks to the next class, where Dr. Joe will test the students' understanding by some quizzes or other questions before leading the discussion using Dr. Joe's Notes. 



Can 11th grader still learn to write well?