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   Dr. Joe英语教育课堂SAT专题

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前言:Dr. Joe的英语教育课堂是世界级的英语写作和升学辅导基地,曾经为众多的国内外精英升学辅导机构提供过最专业的美国、加拿大升学和英语学习战略和战术指导,美国、加拿大、中国、日本、英国、新加坡、香港等世界各地受益同学无数。仅就SAT这个项目举个例子,中国最著名的新东方前校长胡敏先生在自己独立创业的新航道教育准备推出SAT项目时,亲自请Dr. Joe以国际著名专家的身份为新航道设计SAT项目的战略构架和培训指引。

美国78年级以上的学生和他们的家长(以及全世界希望到美国上大学的学生及其家长)都在密切关注着SAT的变化和其背后的指导思想及逻辑,应大家的强烈要求,从现在开始,Dr. Joe和他的团队将为您推出美国高考系列跟踪研发报告,为您准备SATACT以及其他升大学、升私高的重要考试和申请提供动态辅导和帮助。

我们在此为您推出“Dr. Joe英语教育课堂新SAT专题”,今天是“SAT—着眼于大学教育和职业成功的变革”。在本讲中,我们将为您介绍SAT改革背后的十大基础原则。

基础原则1 准备好大学教育的中学生更可能成功和 坚持到胜利。( Students who are ready for a college education are more likely to succeed and persist to completion.

基础原则2:重要的是中学生需要及早投入大学准备过程,并有规律地自我监督是否通过高中学习为大学和职业生涯做了该做的准备工作。(It is important for students to engage in the college-preparation process early and regularly monitor whether they are on target for college and career readiness through high school graduation.

基础原则3:研究显示对于高等教育的准备最关键的只是少数几个知识领域(比如代数与概率统计,英语写作与阅读,人际关系技巧),集中精力搞好这些领域更可能在大学成功。(Focusing in greater depth on fewer areas of knowledge that research shows are essential for readiness in postsecondary education is more likely to lead to college success.

基础原则4:高中落后的学生必须加速进步,以便冲回正轨,在毕业前做好大学和职业生涯的准备。(The progress of those students who have fallen behind in high school must be accelerated so they can get back on target to become college and career ready by graduation.)

基础原则 5:  初中和高中通过鼓励学生做出接受高等教育的可行性计划,并辅助学生实施这些计划,从而在创造升学文化中扮演了重要角色,(Middle schools and high schools play an important role in creating a college-going culture for all students by encouraging them to make a tangible plan to pursue postsecondary education and by aiding students in following through on those plans.

基础原则6:在高中时学习更严格课程的学生更可能在毕业前做好大学和职业生涯的准备。(Students who take more rigorous course work in high school are more likely to be ready for college and career by the time they graduate from high school than students who take less rigorous course work.

基础原则7:在高中阶段参加严格的大学水平课程(包括AP课程)的学生更可能获得大学成功。(Students who participate in rigorous college-level course work in high school, including Advanced Placement Program® (AP®)  courses, are more likely to attain postsecondary success.

基础原则8:改进大学升学准备状况可以通过增加所有大学学生的毕业率(不管他们的种族或者家庭收入水平如何)来解决教育不平等的问题。(Improving college readiness can address the issue of inequality in education by increasing college graduation rates for all students, regardless of their ethnicity or household income levels.

基础原则9:当学生能够更精准地选择大学课程时,他们更可能在大学的学习中成功并顺利获得学位。(When students are accurately placed into college courses, they are more likely to succeed in those courses and persist to a degree.

基础原则10:知道怎样正确地申请大学很重要,因为学生应该申请与其能力匹配的大学或学院。(Knowing how to navigate the college-going process matters, as students should be applying to colleges and universities commensurate with their abilities.

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